Color Trends for 2023

Colors have the ability to set the tone of a room, project, or product. They can evoke certain emotions and feelings, and even be used to convey a certain message. That’s why it’s important for designers to stay up-to-date on the latest color trends. Here are four color trends that we predict will be big in 2023.

Dirty Pastels

We’re seeing a shift away from clean and crisp colors, and towards dirty and muted colors. These “dirty pastels” are created by combining complementary colors, resulting in new and unexpected color palettes.

#b1c5a0 #f5d3db #f3c337 #d6ddd4 #aaaba8
#fcc0a3 #ac8e6f #c4a4a3 #dccca3 #98adae

New Wave Y2K

This palette is inspired by the youth culture of the early 2000s. It’s full of vibrant colors, fluorescents, and metallics. Think of the bright clothing often seen in music videos from this era.

#BE81B6 #BCCA25 #FB48C4 #323137
#D73D26 #E2EAEB #007BB2 #6DCE87

Palettes of the 70s

The 1970s were known for their use of bold and bright colors. This trend is making a comeback, with designers looking to TV shows like Acapulco for inspiration.

#f4b2c0 #b581ac #fe7133 #ffb100 #faa3a5
#efc2e0 #e683a9 #ffa269 #9c91c4 #ffde1b

Creative Grunge

Grunge design is typically characterized by its use of dark colors like black, grey, and dark green. But we’re predicting that 2023 will see a rise in “creative grunge” – designs that still have that edgy feel but incorporate pops of color as well.

#592147 #56beab #e881a6 #46394b
#D73D26 #e0c992 #7a9dcb #79b465

Are you feeling inspired yet? These are just some of the color trends we think will be big in 2023. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, start incorporating these hues into your designs now. And don’t forget to check back here for more trend predictions throughout the year!

Dmitrii Mashkin

Founder Artcoast Studio | Vostok | Surf

Introducing PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta, 2023's Color of the Year!


5 Graphic Design Trends for 2023